Friday, February 26, 2010

wanderings of my mind..

when will spring come?
how long must we wait??
40.6 inches this month

i want to rest..
rest in Him..
i feel as though i can't win..
no matter what I do
my heart is heavy and burdened.
what do i do?

i guess.. no i know, i must wait.
wait for Him to lead me..
to save me... it's all i can.
w a i t . .

it's hard.

they're so many things to be joyful and thankful for
marriage! two become one.. new seasons..
but this seasson.. ugh, i don't like it
but i am learning..
learning to trust.. to hope.. to know.. and to be..
i must learn.
i want to learn..
through this all.. beauty rises.
thank you.