I can't wait until we are able to get a dog.
a calm, playful puppy that will become part of our family
who will undoubtedly be loved and cherish..
someday... hopefully soon!
ohhh the tedious task of doing taxes..
i know doing them will be of great reward
it's just a matter of doing them..
I've been on a search for a few years now looking for the perfect pair of shoes
not just any shoes..
but moccasin type shoes.. slip ons.. well fitting and supportive shoes
I have been mulling over the same pair of shoes for a year now
they have fur in them.. in theory i like them
however everytime i try them on i don't.
i get mad at myself.. (i'm so sillly!)
however i found the 'perfect' pair of shoes at ross
they are simple shoes (that's the brand) i had a pair in 8th grade and LOVED them
however i thought the company had died
alas they have not! they are made of recycled materials and they are very, very comfortable
trevor didn't like them at first but after he saw the glimmer in my eye
he couldn't say no.. perhaps the glimmer made them look better. ha ha
needless to say i really like them.. and they were only 17 bucks!
steelers are goin to the superbowl.. here we go, here we go!
superbowl party tonight at a friends house -- pretty pumped!
trevor has to work at 11, so i hope he gets to see all of it
since he has been born and bread pittsburgh fan since childhood
I on the other have never been a 'specific' fan
but i am now been turned into a steelers fan by default of marriage.
anywho.. really this post is just this and that murmuring
some things on my heart as of recent
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
James 1:3 The will of God is never exactly what you expect it to be. It may seem to be much worse, but in the end it's going to be a lot better and a lot bigger. - Elisabeth Elliot