Wednesday, October 19, 2011

pumpkins !! pumpkins !!

Trevor and I need some help from our friends and family..
we are having a friendly competition..
We carved pumpkins the other night
and now we need every ones help deciding whose is the best

We had so much fun carving these together

We don't want to reveal which is which..
just want you to vote and let us know which one is your favorite..

Thanks in advance for your help!
we decided whoever wins we get to plan a day
and the other must oblige.. :)
either way it's win - win

Monday, October 17, 2011

as of lately..

Sorry about the pictures not being up before, hopefully it works now
i'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing :)

Trevor and I are full fledged into fall..
all things pumpkin and football
& maybe some leaves too :)

so football - i married a steelers fan.. and i do mean FAN

We also got to go to a penn state game last weekend
it was a perfect weekend..
football game, friends, state college -- my love.
i was so thankful for the time and the tickets.

Trevor and I are having a pumpkin carving contest
we haven't carved our pumpkins yet
but we are having facebook, family and friends judge whose is best
(without knowing whos who)
so help us -- we haven't had time to carve yet
but we are going to this week..

So fall has been good to us
we are so thankful and blessed

Friday, October 14, 2011

take, take it all ..

Here's me trying to write more often.. :)
hey, i'm trying !

I love the song that talks about God giving and taking
it always hits home in my heart no matter what season I (we) are in
our life here on earth isn't perfect - there will always be trouble
but there is always blessings - around every corner
(think - make lemonade out of those lemons..)
you never know what God has up his sleeve...
I love that.. I look forward to each day..
amidst pain and trouble there is always a little lesson
to learn from - something that will just make you smile
or bless your heart.. in the midst of trouble and hurting
it's that you have to look for..
we have a God who loves us - beyond all things
and life is never going to be perfect
but there will always be His love.
which sustains so many of us...

"Our God is healer awsome in power - our God, our God
our God is great and higher than other -
if our God is for us what can stand against, what would ever stop us?"

Monday, October 3, 2011

it's been too long..

I've been meaning to write a new post for quite sometime
however things have been quite busy...
so busy in fact that I don't even know where to start

summer has come and gone..
it was such a good summer --
Trevor and I were able to see so many friends
and visited family, it was so much fun!

Towards the middle of the summer something unexpected happened
Trevor was laid off from his job
left us wondering what God had planned for us
it was only about a month before God provided a new job for Trevor
but in that month, we were so richly blessed
we were able to dig deeper and find new understanding of God
and people were so kind to us - we are so thankful for the love & support
Trevor and I started reading together
Waiting on God by Andrew Murray was such a good read for us

So after one short month (althought i felt quite long at the time in retrospect - quite short)
Trevor is now employed and working harder than ever
He is traveling quite a bit with his new job and working 55 - 60 hours a week
but we are so thankful for this job and God's provision
it's hard but we are remaining thankful knowing God has a plan.

New things are happening and changing in our lives
it has been such a new and interesting season for our lives
we are soaking up every moment of it and having fun too
i can't believe we have been married for a year and four months

There is way too much to catch up on but those are a few of the highlights
ups & downs --
my parents came to visit this past weekend - it was so wonderful to see them
the weather was really cruddy but hey it was still lots of fun!

I am going to try to make more posts.. honest!