Summer has been so lovely. We have done more traveling and visiting friends/family than ever. It's been so great to see everyone. It recharges my batteries each time we get to go see friends or family. As I mentioned before my parents are coming tomorrow, so we are pretty excited about that too!
In a few weeks, I am going up to Utica, NY the place of my birth and home of grandpa to visit and can tomatoes and anything else we can think of! My mom and I are taking a little mother - daughter trip up there to spend with him.. I don't get up there nearly as often as I use to, I live so far away. I usually only end up seeing my grandpa once a year.. that's not enough!
As many of you know, I want a dog. I really, really want a dog -- we have yet to live somewhere that allows dogs.. what's up with that?? Well, I do this to myself but I downloaded an app on my phone to look at dogs to adopt -- naturally I fall in love with all of them. but I am head over heels for this fella, Otto!
He's a lab/beagle mix - & I want to rescue him so bad! I even considered sneaking him into our apartment - but that's probably not a good idea. Be praying our landlord might have a place opening up that will let us have a dog and maybe if Otto isn't adopted yet we can get him!! I mean comeon doesn't he look like a cool dog?
Also my dear friend Margaret is getting married at the end of August - I am in the wedding - which is an honor and super exciting! I'm really excited for this wedding - it's in New York -- but in the country.. it's going to be a lot of fun -- I am told there will be dancing (naturally), but also fireworks! Excited to celebrate with everyone esp Margaret and Jesse!
Our garden is doing really well despite how hot it's been - my tomatoes are really starting to explode and the peppers too! We may have more than we know what to do with soon, but not yet. Much of our gardening this year was a experiment - some succeeded and others failed. Such as the cucumbers and zucchini, we picked the wrong size pot and they just won't grow - they keep blossoming and then rotting off - it's a bummer but we learned a lot from it! Someday we will have land and hopefully have a big ole garden but for now we are 'urban gardeners' with our container gardens. I love all our fresh herbs. So, we did a lot of things right and a few things wrong. I love talking to people about it, and learning what we can do better. One of my best friends Stevie is a garden expert (at least compared to me) and Margaret is too - so I love getting their take on things and learning what's best practices.
Phillip Phillips has a song out called Home -- and I'm totally digging it - it has a Mumford and sons/switchfoot acoustic feel to it. I've never been into American Idol but if this song reflects his quality he was a good choice!
welp, perhaps I should try to sleep - my madre and padre will be here tomorrow afternoonish.