I am not going to lie the last few days have been rough, really rough than they should of been. Trevor has been home the last two weeks (which has been wonderful!) but between allergies, pregnancy and illness - it's been rough. I am so thankful he is home if he were out of town it would be just plain miserable.
My allergies are always worse when I am pregnant. My breathing suffers because the little babe is growing and pressing against my lungs and internal organs. I have a tilted uterus so it creates more pressure than people who have a normal uterus. I often wake up in the night with asthma attacks. It's miserable but worth it.
Speaking of pregnancy.. I am over the moon about being pregnant and can't wait to meet this little pumpkin but I am also fully aware of the challenges awaiting me once the pumpkin is born. Not only will I have an active toddler who needs me. I will also have a newborn who really needs me. I know my anxiety is perfectly normal but I also know I need to surrender it to God and take each day at a time. Trevor is hoping to have about a week home with us before he has to go back to work. October is a really busy time of year for him. He is often gone for several weeks in a row and home on the weekend (at least!). I'm thankful my Mom and Dad live near by and I am sure will be helping me out as much as they can. It is just still overwelming to think about - at least I have 23 weeks to pray and prepare myself for it.
Another thing about pregnancy is that I am have been cranky! I am trying not to be but I am 17 weeks now and I am just at that stage where things are starting to hurt and I am sure hormones are playing a big role in it as well. I don't want to be cranky or miserible though. Something I have to fight everyday and realize I need God's grace and mercy and I need to extend that to others in my words, and actions - specifically my husband. Sorry Trev!
Then on top of it all - I have a cold combined with bad allergies and I can't take medication being pregnant so it's pretty miserable. Lots of coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose - I have already gone through a box and half of tissues. But guess what? This too shall pass! This is just a season. It stinks right now but it won't last forever. Hallelujah!
Trevor and I are leaving our baby girl in 10 days to go to a wedding in Wyoming. We are flying into Denver and taking a few days to enjoy the city, see friends, and hopefully just relax. We are using it has a babymoon, anniversary celebration (6 years woo!) and just an adventure. I'm thankful to be part of my friend Daria's wedding - praying it doesn't snow while we are there or during the wedding especially!
When we get back, May 15th, that following Saturday we find out the gender and see a peak at pumpkin! We are pretty excited. I am really excited to find out the gender so I can start nesting/organizing all of Emma's baby things.
Speaking of Emma's baby things - I am an oldest child so I never knew how 2nd and so on feel but I feel guilty that this baby doesn't get anything new like Emma did. I mean it will be new to him/her but for some reason I feel bad! I know I will get over and I also know it would be extremely wasteful to buy all new things! I am grateful for all the things we have and there isn't much we actually need! I purposely tried to buy gender neutral things when Emma was a baby so that even in clothes if we have a boy he won't go completely naked!
I'll just say that I am leaning towards a boy even though I am still battling morning sickness most in the morning now instead of all day like I did in the 1st trimester. I was sick with Emma until 20 weeks. Praying I am not too sick during our trip!