Monday, May 5, 2008

i ran the numbers.. i have to get a 87 or higher

watching walk the line...
i like it..

my to do list is shrinking
that is for sure a good thing.
i did my presentation today
that went pretty well
we ran out of time in class
so i had to do in front of just my professor
it then ended up being more a conversation
which worked for me.

then i had a bisci final
didn't really do any studying for it
thankfully ran into Pete
a guy in my class and a few other classes
he asked me if i was ready with a smile on his face
i was like umm
and he said, be honest..
well, not really.
he had notes, he let me copy them
and i studied for about two hours in the library
i felt a lot more prepared after that
and i think i did "ok" on my final.

i still have my business plan to hand in and do
and my BA 322 final
i have the next two days to do that.

i'm so excited about going home for the weekend and then some
gonna visit my family
get stuff done before i go to FL
purge my belongings in my room
i have so much stuff
stuff from high school still.
i need to really go through it all
it might even be kind of fun, who knows.

i also need to start packing my apartment up
i get myself in a tizzy when i pack
but its fun at the same time.
right now i'm all about purging everything in my life.

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