Friday, October 31, 2014

2 months old!

My oh my where has time gone!?

I am sure this is a statement parents everywhere make as they see their children grow. I'm sure my own parents are making that statement watching Emma grow and watching me be a new Mom. I'm not sure the reality of being a Mom will really hit me truly until Emma starts to call me Mom. Yes, I know I am her Mom and I love her but when she really starts identifying me as such - it still doesn't seem quite real yet.

Emma is two months old tomorrow!

She is doing really well. She had a month check up and has a two month check up coming up. At her on month check up she weight 11 pounds 10 ounces and 22.5 inches long. She is a big girl. Her feet are gigantic. She's beginning to outgrow her 0-3 month clothing particularly the footed things. She's slowly starting to wear 3-6 month clothes - she's long and lean it seems. My Great Grandmother was 6'1 so I am beginning to wonder if she might take after her. We'll see!

She started smiling at about 4.5 weeks. I was shocked to see her smiling so quickly. She loves to smile, and she has the sweetest smile. Her eye gets all scrunched when she smiles. It's adorable but hey I'm Mom I can say that. :o)

She has begun to stare at things instead of just people. She also is beginning to look at book when we read to her which is so cute. She has also begun to 'talk' and coo more - she's very chatty!

She has become quite the little traveler. At 6 weeks old she went up to upstate New York to visit her Great-Grandpa. For the most part she did great on the trip. Naturally she's a baby so there was plenty of crying and fussing to be had but all in all I couldn't of asked for a better trip. By the end of the trip, the last two hours, she was very ready to be out of the car seat. She made sure we knew that too.

She is quite the little sleeper. Although Trevor would love to see her sleep for 10 - 12 hours (so would I!) she is sleeping really well for her age. She sleeps about 6 hour stretches at a time at night sometimes more sometimes much less. She takes naps fairly well - it's different day to day of course. We are probably going to try to transition her to her crib at Thanksgiving when we have some time and energy to do it. Hopefully it goes okay! *fingers crossed*

Trevor has been traveling quite a bit for work the last month. His company is really busy this time of year which is great for business and job security. However not so much for him. He's been gone for 3 weeks in a row. I'm so thankful for his hard work when he's gone and when he comes home on the weekends to help me with Emma. It hasn't been easy the last few weeks but I'm very thankful for my parents who now live nearby. I envisioned having children and having to be alone while Trevor traveled. I never expected my parents to live in Pittsburgh. It is definitely a blessing and an answer to prayer. We have been staying with my parents while Trevor has been gone. It helps so much!

Every time Trevor comes home he says Emma looks different in some way and has grown. Thankfully next week he is home and things will begin to slow down a little bit. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving when he will take some time off of work and spend time with us and extended family.

As I write this Emma has been asleep in her swing for 3 hours. She didn't sleep very well last night. She fell asleep around 11 (which wasn't without a lot of fussing and crying) and woke up at about 3:30 and didn't fall back asleep until 6:30/7. She thankfully slept until 9 after that. So I was able to get some sleep too. Some days she naps really well and other days she will hardly sleep for a 1/2 hour to an hour at a time. Every day is different.

Motherhood has brought so many changes - most of them are welcomed but a few have been exhausting. All of them have helped me grow. I am very thankful for this sweet little girl and all the changes she has brought into my life. The only constant in our lives at the moment is change. I have a feeling that it is going to be the way for awhile - it definitely keeps things exciting!

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