i really need to shave my legs
i'm horrible at that.
one day i hope my husband doesn't mind.
maybe he'll love me anyway
lets hope... or maybe i'll get better.
who knows.. cause i don't know.
cleaned the apartment today
apparently we have mice or at least a mouse
(my roommate saw it not me, thankfully)
but i'm told that means we have 'mice'
doesn't make me very happy, it actually freaks me out.
i told a guy friend today - he wanted to come rescue me
and solve the problem.
how cute
but no thanks.
i'm picky about who rescues me, seriously.
i actually went through my t-shirts
and got rid of a bunch.
i even took pictures
because i knew people wouldn't believe me.
but while i was doing laundry today
i still have a lot. its totally my weakness.
i found an american apparel shirt for a buck!
a buck !!
i love jim & pam.
i secretly hope to be them.
not such a secret anymore huh?
i'm so glad the office is back.
they talked about utica (born there)
and they were in scranton (grew up there)
how strange.. ! i love it.
spent the weekend with my friends in state college
i love my friends.
we had family dinner - it was beautiful.
had lots of fun, played games and loved each other
then we went to the fair, and ate wonderful fating food.
bloomsburg fair - they will fry anything you want
wonderful beverages.. it was great.
apple cider, they were making the cider on site !!!
schoool... well, its a lot of work
i took my first accounting test
might of been the hardest test i've ever taken
its was awful.
blank pages - numbers.
international business.. test every friday
homework too.
my first calculus test is tuesday
... going to spend the weekend preparing
because i havn't done very well on the quizzes
why do we have to mess with equations ??
what did they ever do to us?
maybe they don't want to be differentiated
i'm not even sure what it is, yet.
i should know though.
sooo yeah.
the last few weeks
even with all my school work & etc.
i'm so thankful, overwhelmed by love & grace.
God is so good. sooo good.
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