Tuesday, December 14, 2010

good & bad

this morning i fell down our stairs
let me say that again, i fell down our stairs
(i can't believe i actually fell down the stairs!)
from top to bottom
the moment i put my foot down on the icy/wet/snowy step
it was all over & before i knew it i was at the bottom
i got up.. in shock and thought i was going to faint or throw up
just my luck trevor couldn't of heard me because a train was going by
once i was able to regain my composure i called him

he scared i could hear it in his voice
i was scared too..
thankfully i slid down on my right side of my body from my waist
to right above my knee and a little of my calf..
but i'm only bruised - nothing else hurts
just very sore and very black and blue and swollen
it could of been much, much worse
I am so thankful its only some bruising

i was so shaken up and its all snowy here
trevor took me to work -- bless his heart
it was 6 am poor fella had gotten home late
from work the night before
but he was a trooper..
& i am so thankful for him

I am ever thankful for God's protection and goodness.

in good news -- yes i have good news :)
we got a car !!! woohooo!
it's sweet, it's a 2002 honda accord
we really like it and hope to have it for many, many years

& the other exciting news is.. i got a new phone
mine has been broken for quite some time - but usable
best buy was having an amazing deal
that if you renewed your contract or added a line with verizon
you got a free droid incredible..
i n c r e d i b l e !!
just my ticket, my phone was up - we wanted droids
and it was free..
it almost felt wrong walking out of the store
felt like i stole it..

so this all happened in one day
new car, new phone
& we went out for dinner and saw narnia (loved it!)
it was my christmas ahem, our christmas.
1st christmas in fact

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:23

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