Thursday, March 27, 2008


i'm always so sad after spending time with family
its always bittersweet.
i have such a great time when i'm with them
but after they leave, i'm alone again.
grant it, its the nature of where I am in life, and where I live
but its a reality check in several ways.
I hope next year is a little better than this year..
I'm not complaining, I'm thankful for where I live
and all my friends, but when you don't live with your friends
and your schedual is so busy, you don't get to see them very often
hence, being alone.
i don't like that part.

I can't wait for the season of my life for love...
i know every season and time has a purpose
and this is my season, and I will be content and thankful for it
but sometimes, i hate it.

i'm turning 25
its not that bad acually, but i do feel old
old, in the sense I'm still in college, still growing up in many ways
feeling behind my peers, i guess you could say.
but i've also done alot in my life, so i'm not that behind.

just feeling a little sad and homesick
wishing my friends and I weren't always so busy
with school and work and life.
but had time to just be.
although i'm thankful for the times i get.

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