Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"I"m wearing my heart on my sleeve
don't breath another breath
unless your coming back to me
i'm trusting you and i'm taking the long way home
i'm leaving and it's not because of you
will you just hold me tight and never let me go?
i know this whole thing wrong but baby we're invincible"
- A Rocket to the Moon, Baby We're Invincible

i've begun to live at the library
i spent all last night there, i left at 6 am
and i'm back in the library now
so much work to do, not enough time or energy
but it'll all get done, maybe not well
however it will be done.
3 more weeks..

Saturday, April 19, 2008

only three more weeks left of school..
including finals. !!!!
which means only 7 more weeks till i move to FL
and start a bit of a adventure.. and my internship
my heart is so ready for this change
i already want to pack up all my things and go!
I will certainly start packing very soon.
i should be doing homework..

i love this time of year
the weather is absolutely beautiful !!
it really reminds me of God's love for me
its been warm even at night..
i absolutely love warm nights, they are the best to be with friends
and have bonfires or go flamingoing - or do anything really.. i love it.

on a side note, i wish i knew what blood type i was
and i'm seriously considering becoming a vegetarian
but i doubt it'll happen.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

dude i'm hungry..

"new rule, you must eat before you come into work"
that was what my co-worker said to me today
because she says i'm always hungry
i don't know if that's true or not.
but boy am i hungry now.
what to eat.. what to eat.

my mom is coming next week to stay with me
it'll be nice to have someone around
and spend time with my mom.
i hope i'm not too stressed.. with hw and all

i think i'm watching a bloopers version of a sitcom
which is kind of strange to watch.

my heart is quite heavy..

Sunday, April 6, 2008

reality check

life is but a vapor..
its here and then its gone
just like that.
reality of heaven and what it is
even though i fully believe in its existence
is hard for me - to understand or fully grasp.

a family that i am good friends with
recently lost their mother
she had been battling cancer for a long time
and was a amazing, Godly women.
she's now at peace, and in the arms of Jesus.
but I still think that it has to be hard.

losing anyone is hard, but someone close to you
like a mom, dad, or sibling is even harder...

its given me a reality check of why I'm here, on earth.
what I want to still do -- and how I can live my life
to better other peoples lives..
and what God has in store for me.
remaining content, and thankful for everything I have
.. my family, friends, job, education, and so many other things

though one day I look forward to being heaven
i also look forward to everything God has in store for me
here on earth now.

my heart longs for love
one day, one day.