Friday, September 10, 2010

what a splendid evening..
thoughts race through my head
thoughts of high school, childhood, college, and now marriage
i have so much to be thankful for..
so much gratitude in my heart
and so much love pouring out
sometimes lately my attitude has stunk..
i find myself complaining .. about stupid things
why am i not more thankful?

God has blessed Trevor and i with so much
in such a short period of time..
our lives are in His hands
we do no want to step without knowing
that it is him, it is what he wants..
not want WE want..
we don't always succeed in this
but this is our hearts desire.

man, so much has changed.
i'm married !!!
i think we are finally adjusting to this..
to it all, and it's nice.
it's not just nice it's wonderful..
i couldn't ask for a better man.. a better husband
we have so much fun together.. laugh and talk

yeah, i'm pretty thankful.