Friday, October 24, 2014

Emma's Birth Story

"Lord, please allow my weaknesses to be a stage for your strength!" 

This quote is exactly what my heart has desired from even our 1st miscarriage.

I  had to rely on God alone for my strength. He is why I have this little miracle in my life. 

What a crazy wild ride the last year & half have been & an even crazier ride the last 7 weeks has been! 

Birth Story: 
Before labor I was nervous about many things but three specific things were that I wouldn't go into labor naturally, that my asthma would effect Emma or the birth & if she was breeched. 

I was told during the pregnancy I'd feel different types of contractions - I never really felt any. I was about 2 cm dialted for a week & 70% efaced but nothing else was moving along. 

I REALLY didn't want to be induced but by the time I had her I was 9 days overdue. Overall the whole pregnancy I felt great - I got an epic cold/flu (plus morning/all day sickness) my 1st trimester & was sick for quite some time & struggled with my asthma but seriously the pregancy was good overall. 

All except the last week or so - specifically the last few days. Holy cow I was so achy & sore - now I know why - she was so big!! 

My induction was set for Thursday, September 4th. Or so we thought.. I was basically "on call" for when they had a bed free. I was waiting all day for the call to come in on Thursday. The longest day of my life! They checked in every few hours & were just too busy. 

We finally got the call Friday September 5th at 7:30 am to come in. We had been so prepared the last 24 hours but we had let our guard down thinking we'd never get called in & I thought I was going to be pregnant FOREVER! 

So we basically ran out the door & got to the hospital at 9 am. They gave me piotocin at 11:30 & the fun began! They started out at the lowest dose hoping that my body would get the clue evenually it did. Around 8:30 pm they broke my water & then the party really got started! I would say "labor" began then before that I was uncomfortable but manageable. My Dad was still in the room with Trevor, my Mom & I until that point - we were joking & talking until my water was broken. 

I went in open to getting an epidural but I REALLY didn't want one. My Mom & Trevor took turns helping me manage the pain & I imagine a happy place which helped more than I thought it would. They also gave oxygen towards the end (which was a life saver!) I was told later that I was in the minority (which I know plenty of you Mamas out there didn't have one either)  in not getting the epiderial. There's nothing wrong with either choice it was just my personal choice. However I was surprised to hear from a nurse that about 80% of patients get the epiderial & the other 20% were usually too late or unable to for some other reason. That's crazy! 

My doctor said at the end of the birth that she thought I was going to cave during birth - thanks a lot! However By God's grace I was able to have an all natural birth.

"I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me!"
Phillipians 3:5

Thankfully Emma had been head down since about 30/32 weeks - in fact she was so low the last 6 weeks her head was behind my pubic bone! What an answer to prayer! Every doctor who checked me couldn't believe how low she was. 

Having her low made my chances of a easier delvery at least in my mind even if I had to he induced. At least that's what I told myself ;)  I didn't want a c-section either for obvious reasons. I was pretty determined to have Emma all natural (as I could) & not have a cathitier - for some reason that was my motivation! ha! 

So labor had begun at 8:30 & we had a two scares. Because of my asthma I couldn't lay on my back very well. I kept coughing, getting heart burn, and just not being able to breath (hence the oxygen • sooo relaxing). So I wanted to labor on my side - well actually I wanted to labor squatting but they wouldn't let me. boo. As I was on my side Emma's heart beat dropped and a team of nurses and doctors came running in my room demanding I turn. Truthfully the first time it happened I had no clue what was going on no one told me but poor Trevor stood there scared. Because I didn't know what was going on I was in the middle of a contraction and couldn't move. So they flopped me over and her heart rate went back to normal. This happened again while I was on my other side and the same scenerio happened again except I was a bit more aware. Apparently it's really common as the baby is dropping they often pinch the umbical cord. Thankfully she moved and all was well. 

At some point I felt like if labor had not progressed past 7 cm the next time the doctor checked me I wanted an epiderial. However she came in to check me about 5:30 or so and to my surprise I was 10 cm! 

Labor was about 11 hours (including pushing) and I pushed for about a hour and half. I'm told that is a pretty quick labor for a first time Mom & someone who was induced. Yay God! 

No one told me when she came flying out into the world. I had my eyes closed.  Everyone just got quiet. Then she cried! What an answer to prayer! Then to our surprise she was huge & I was not while I was pregnant. The first thing the doctor said was, "Where were you hiding her!?" 

Funny thing is few weeks ago I was in the office getting checked out & I asked the midwife if she could tell what size Emma might be she said sure within a pound or so. We joked she was 10 pounds & the midwife said, "No way you have that big of a baby in there!" Boy was she wrong! 

Emma Grace Block joined us here on earth on Saturday, September 6th 2014 at 6:57 am. She weighed 9lbs & 10 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  She has ten fingers & ten toes and is healthy! 

Thank you so much for all your prayers, love & support you have all shown us the love of God through your words & actions. We are deeply moved by it. 

Please pray for us as we are first time parents to this little miriacle & that we would never forget that either. 

"This is the child we have prayer for..." 1 Samuel 1:27

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