Friday, April 25, 2014

Emma Grace

I realized a few days ago that we never really "announced" the name we picked for our sweet little girl, I just accidently slipped. It's been so fun to refer to her here at home as, Emma this & Emma that - that I did it without thinking. It seemed so natural to say already. 

That's not to say we weren't planning on announcing it, we were just maybe more formally - ha but these things happen, such is life! 

I did however want to shed some light on why & how we landed on this name. I've realized Emma is becoming a very popular name but we just love it. You see around 10 or 12 weeks of the pregnancy I had a dream (I've had the craziest dreams since being pregnant!!) that we had a little girl & we named her Emma Grace. When I woke up I was so in love but also filled with so much peace. I know that peace was from God. 

You see at this point in the game we weren't sure where this pregnancy was going to take us. We were trusting & hoping God would allow us to know this girl here on earth (we still are). We wanted his will & understandably we were scared & unsure. Being that we had two miscarriages prior. So I told Trevor about my dream & he loved the name. We hadn't talked about names too much before this or even mentioned Emma Grace. I didn't put much stock in my dream as far as gender because we didn't know yet. We just put the name on the list & waited. 

Then several weeks later we found out - little girl! We instantly knew Emma Grace would be her name. Emma means universal. Perhaps this little girl is going to have one of those sweet, love everyone personality (I hope so!). Grace is such a complex name as far as meanings go especially for us. It really fits. It reminds us of Gods grace - the undeserved salvation & mercy we receive as Christians by him dying on the cross for our sins. We also feel so much grace & mercy in our lives over the last year & even being pregnant with her. God's grace has covered our lives and this pregnancy. We want to show honor to that.

So there it be - Emma Grace. 

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